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Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna

The Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna and District Branch was founded in 1956. We create opportunities and connections for people of all ages to understand and nurture their mental health and well-being.
woman offering gesture of support to anothercreative design samples from Nimble Digital's work for Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna

Our Designs


This redesign aligns closely with the aesthetics and colour scheme of its parent organization, creating a cohesive online presence. This project presented a unique challenge due to the vast amount of content that required meticulous reorganization and migration to the Webflow platform. As part of the website’s redesign, the employee portal also underwent significant improvements to offer a more organized space for the organization. The redesigned site not only enhances user experience with its organized layout and accessible design but also reinforces the brand’s commitment to mental health advocacy and support within the community.
creative design samples from Nimble Digital's work for Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna
creative design samples from Nimble Digital's work for Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna
creative design samples from Nimble Digital's work for Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna

Online Ads

creative design samples from Nimble Digital's work for Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna


custom animated illustration of hands reaching, making both a thumbs up and a-ok gesture

How It Looks